When can I get a facial after rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask during their postoperative visits when they can get a facial after rhinoplasty. Many of these patients have blackheads or clogged pores after rhinoplasty and want extractions performed on their nose. My recommendation to patients is that they…

Cost of Eyelid Surgery

The cost of eyelid surgery is one of the most common questions around blepharoplasty. When it comes to determining eyelid surgery cost, it depends on the complexity of the surgery.

Most surgeon’s fees for upper eyelid surgery range between $2500-$3500. Lower eyelid surgery for lower eyelid bags is more complex and also may require fat repositioning. The surgeon’s…

Will a facelift get rid of a double chin?

Many of my Houston facelift surgery patients want their neck addressed with their surgery in addition to their jawline and mid face. Submental fullness or a double chin can be addressed with liposuction of the neck or direct lipectomy of the neck. Sometimes, a simple mini facelift will tighten…

When will I be able to have my surgery with Covid-19?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, and facelift surgery patients are asking when they will be able to have their elective surgery that is or has been scheduled during the Corona virus or Covid-19 period. The Texas governor has decried that non-urgent elective…

Does revision rhinoplasty take longer to heal?

Rhinoplasty is one of the more difficult procedures in plastic surgery. Revision rhinoplasty is an even more difficult procedure as there is significant scar tissue left behind after initial rhinoplasty. This scar tissue envelops the remaining cartilage and makes reshaping that cartilage more difficult. I frequently have to let my 

Do you have to break the bones with rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients question whether you have to break the bones with rhinoplasty. During rhinoplasty, taking down a nasal hump is common. Patients desire to narrow the nose is also common. When a dorsal hump is taken down, this may widen the nose and create what is called…

Will a facelift remove crow’s feet?

When discussing a facelift with my Houston patients, one of their common questions is whether a facelift will help with crow’s feet. Facelift surgery mainly improves the appearance of the neck, jowls, and cheek. Crow’s feet may slightly improve if the facelift is extended into the temple.…

Blepharoplasty for Fox Eyes

The newest trend for eyelids is the desire for fox eyes. This can be achieved surgically or non-surgically. Filler injection just under the brow can lift the brow for temporary improvement. Blepharoplasty or upper eyelid surgery for fox eyes can also reshape the eyelid to give the…

Temporal brow lift

Many of my Houston facelift and brow lift patients are concerned about their eyelid hooding. Some of these patients may not have significant excess skin of the upper eyelids but simply a hooded appearance to the lateral eyelid. A temporal brow lift is a good solution…

Ethnic Preservation Rhinoplasty

Many of my Houston ethnic rhinoplasty patients state they want to preserve some of their ethnic identity with rhinoplasty. This may mean not narrowing the nostrils too much or not taking down the hump completely or simply leaving a strong straight dorsum. I have even had patients…