Scars after eyelid surgery

Many of our Houston eyelid surgery patients ask about scarring after eyelid surgery.  For upper blepharoplasty or upper eyelid surgery, the scar will hide nicely in the upper eyelid crease.  It may slightly extend out past this crease depending on how much hooded skin you have laterally.  For lower eyelid surgery, these are mainly done through the inside pink portion of the eye.  However, frequently,…

How to build up the bridge with rhinoplasty

Many of our Houston rhinoplasty and ethnic rhinoplasty patients who have a low bridge will want to augment the bridge of their nose to create better definition and lines to the nose.  Every rhinoplasty surgeon may have different techniques and use different materials to augment the bridge of the nose.  Dr. Funk usually prefers utilizing cartilage from your own septum,…

Cartilage sparing or cutting otoplasty

Many of our Houston otoplasty patients will ask if we perform cartilage sparing or cartilage cutting otoplasty when pinning the ears.  With cartilage cutting otoplasty, small pieces of the ear cartilage will be removed in order to bend the cartilage more easily.  Dr. Funk usually reserves this for older patients with very firm cartilage who have ears that are extremely…

Will I need a steroid injection after rhinoplasty?

Many of our Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask during their postop visits if they need a steroid injection.  After rhinoplasty, scar tissue is deposited between the skin and the cartilage as the nose heals.  Ideally, the skin should adhere back to the new bony-cartilaginous framework that was reshaped during rhinoplasty.  However, if an undesirable amount of scar…

What is Ozempic face?

Many of my Houston facelift patients who have been on Ozempic have lost significant fat in their face as well.  These patients may not only have volume loss but will also begin to develop significant laxity in their skin.  This will be amplified in older patients who have lost elasticity to their skin over time.  However, even in younger patients, it seems these semiglutides…

How long will upper eyelid surgery last?

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients will ask how long upper eyelid surgery for upper eyelid hooding will last.  Removing excess upper eyelid skin to create a more open eyed and refreshed appearance should rejuvenate the eyes and create a more youthful appearance.  This should last most patients close to 10 years before they start seeing crepe and loose…

Will a facelift treat my smile lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will ask if their facelift will treat their deep smile lines or melolabial folds.  This depends on the type of facelift performed.  If the midface is addressed and a deep plane facelift is the technique used, this should treat the smile lines.  While the melomental folds or marionette lines will get a 70-90% improvement, the melolabial…

When is a base reduction for wide nostrils performed in rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask if they will need to have their nostrils brought in during rhinoplasty.  This is called an alar base reduction or alar flare reduction.  With ethnic rhinoplasty, this is quite common in order to create narrower, smaller nostrils.  In some patients who have overprojected nasal tips, bring down the nasal tip will widen…

Will the fat come back after lower blepharoplasty

Many of my Houston lower eyelid surgery patients will ask if the fat that causes the lower eyelid bags will return after lower blepharoplasty.  When performed properly, lower eyelid surgery to treat lower eyelid bags will remove just enough fat to create a more rested refreshed appearance without hollowing out the eyes.  This fat will not return to create bags…

Drains after a Facelift

Many of our Houston Facelift patients will ask if they will need to maintain a drain after a facelift.  While placing a drain after a facelift is based on surgeon preference, Dr. Funk will let patients know that they may have a drain depending on a number of factors.  If the a neck lift is necessary where the skin of the neck is elevated to tighten the muscles of the neck,…