Facelift and sideburn or temporal tuft

Some of my Houston facelift patients are curious regarding the incisions and scars after a facelift. Where the incisions are placed will also determine how high the sideburn or temporal tuft of hair is lifted. If the incision is placed behind the temporal tuft, then this may raise the hairline…

Scar tissue and revision rhinoplasty

When my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients come in desiring a more refined nasal tip I must have a frank discussion with them and let them know that due to the significant amount of scar tissue after rhinoplasty, refining the tip can be difficult with a revision rhinoplasty.…

Can I have upper eyelid surgery after having a brow lift

Some of my Houston eyelid surgery patients who are concerned about upper eyelid hooding or excess skin of the upper eyelid may have had a previous brow lift and questioning as to whether they are good candidates for a blepharoplasty or upper eyelid surgery after their brow lift. This…

Facial nerve and facelift

During discussion with my Houston facelift patients, it is important to discuss risks of a facelift. One of the more important risks with facelift surgery is injury to the facial nerve. This injury is usually temporary and due to swelling or slight compression of the nerve during dissection…

Filler or surgery for lower eyelid bags

A common complaint from my Houston patients are lower eyelid bags and/or dark circles under the eyes. The lower eyelid bags are due to fat surrounding the eye slowly bulging over time below the eye in the lower eyelid. The majority of light that hits our face comes from…

Will a facelift improve my marionette lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will come in asking what a facelift or neck lift will do for them. More specifically, which wrinkles and lines will it improve. The mini facelift or short scar facelift and the full facelift with neck lift will significantly improve the marionette lines…

Revision rhinoplasty after septoplasty

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients had their initial rhinoplasty by a surgeon with ENT training. If this is the case, their original surgery likely entailed a septoplasty for a deviated septum. Septoplasty requires removal of cartilage and bone from the septum.…

Upper eyelid surgery and permanent eyeliner tattoo

When discussing eyelid surgery with my Houston area patients, it is important to review the location of the incisions for upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery. The incision should not disorient the tattoo or break it up. The scar for upper eyelid surgery should lie in the upper…

Digital imaging with rhinoplasty

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients who come in for consultation are interested in seeing digital imaging to get an idea of what their nose may look like after rhinoplasty. Digital imaging of the nose for rhinoplasty can help a patient also understand what the surgeon is capable of and…

How long does a facelift take?

When I see my Houston facelift patients in consultation, many may ask how long a facelift will take or how many hours under anesthesia for a facelift. This depends on the extent of the facelift and the extent of dissection. A mini facelift will typically take 3 hours of operative time. This…