Do I need a Nose Job?

Patients considering rhinoplasty may have disliked their nose the majority of their life. That disappointment with the appearance of one’s nose may wax and wane, but ultimately is there and reminded in photos frequently. Rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, can help improve the appearance…

When should I get eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure to enhance the appearance of the upper or lower eyelids. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty or eyelid lift involves removing excess skin of the upper eyelid to give a more youthful, refreshed, and rejuvenated appearance to the eyes.…

Kybella injection for neck fat

Kybella, the new injectable by Kythera, was recently FDA approved for injection into the sub mental region to dissolve chin fat. Although Kybella is not yet available in Houston, plastic surgeons are expected to receive it starting this summer. Dr. Funk recently commented on Kybella on a local ABC Houston news segment.


Eyelid surgery for bags under eyes

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery can help with excess skin of the upper eyelid and also treat the bags of the lower eyelids. These bags are made of fat that has started to push against a layer of connective tissue that has weakened over time. Some patients have these bags congenitally…

Rhinoplasty before and after photos

Rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, is an intricate nasal surgery that requires years of experience and attention to detail, anatomy, and extensive knowledge of the technique. Rhinoplasty before and after photos are important to review before choosing a rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston. Assure that the before…

Rhinoplasty for crooked nose

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is one of the more difficult procedures in plastic surgery. There are a lot of moving parts to the nose with cartilage, bone, and soft tissue involved. There may not only be changes that need to be made to the outside appearance of the nose, but also to the…

When can I have revision rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a procedure that takes a good amount of time to heal and allow all swelling to go down. The open rhinoplasty approach is performed by lifting the skin off the cartilage and bone and reshaping those structures. The skin then needs to contract over this…

How much does rhinoplasty cost in Houston?

The cost of rhinoplasty can vary from region to region within the United States and even in Texas. Rhinoplasty in Houston costs can also vary depending on the complexity of the nose surgery, the experience of the surgeon, and whether insurance is involved for functional…

Can Rhinoplasty fix big nostrils?

Nostril size and shape may vary from nose to nose. Depending on your ethnicity, a deviated septum, and the position of your tip cartilages, nostrils can all be different.

Rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, can help change the nostril shape, make them smaller,…

Do I need a Facelift, Neck Lift, or Mini Facelift?

Patients who are seeking facial rejuvenation surgery frequently want to improve the jowling that may occur along the jawline, skin laxity of the neck, or sagging of the face in general. Many patients state they do not want a facelift but just a neck lift. Unfortunately,…