When will I look normal after a facelift?

When discussing facelift surgery with my Houston patients, recovery and getting back to normal social life is a common question. Most patients can start feeling social between 2-3 weeks after surgery. You can expect to look normal 2-3 weeks after a facelift. However, there may still be some…

Will a facelift get rid of a double chin?

Many of my Houston facelift surgery patients want their neck addressed with their surgery in addition to their jawline and mid face. Submental fullness or a double chin can be addressed with liposuction of the neck or direct lipectomy of the neck. Sometimes, a simple mini facelift will tighten…

Will a facelift remove crow’s feet?

When discussing a facelift with my Houston patients, one of their common questions is whether a facelift will help with crow’s feet. Facelift surgery mainly improves the appearance of the neck, jowls, and cheek. Crow’s feet may slightly improve if the facelift is extended into the temple.…

What is a liquid facelift?

Some of my Houston facelift patients have inquired about the possibility of a non-surgical facelift or a liquid lift. A facelift, as the name implies, is performed to suspend the sagging face and neck and improve jowling, tighten the neck, and the jawline and sometimes lift the cheeks. A liquid facelift is performed using fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm to fill a face that has lost volume.…

Will a facelift improve acne scars?

Many of my Houston facelift patients may have had acne as a teenager or adult and are curious if a facelift will help their acne scars. While facial wrinkles will be improved with a facelift, acne scars will not improve significantly with a facelift. The best treatment for acne scarring is…

Will my cheeks get fuller and elevated with a facelift?

When discussing facelift surgery with my Houston patients, some of my patients are interested to know if their cheeks will be pulled up with a facelift. This depends on the type of facelift performed. A SMAS facelift will typically not elevate the cheeks but simply tighten the jowls and jawline and maybe the neck a little. 

Facelift and sideburn or temporal tuft

Some of my Houston facelift patients are curious regarding the incisions and scars after a facelift. Where the incisions are placed will also determine how high the sideburn or temporal tuft of hair is lifted. If the incision is placed behind the temporal tuft, then this may raise the hairline…

Facial nerve and facelift

During discussion with my Houston facelift patients, it is important to discuss risks of a facelift. One of the more important risks with facelift surgery is injury to the facial nerve. This injury is usually temporary and due to swelling or slight compression of the nerve during dissection…

Will a facelift improve my marionette lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will come in asking what a facelift or neck lift will do for them. More specifically, which wrinkles and lines will it improve. The mini facelift or short scar facelift and the full facelift with neck lift will significantly improve the marionette lines…