Rhinoplasty for a Crooked Nose

Rhinoplasty for a crooked nose is one of the more difficult nose conditions to fix for a number of reasons. The first reason could be if the patient has facial asymmetries, making it challenging to create a perfectly straight nose on a face that is not symmetric. This is incredibly common as 97% of people have facial asymmetries, allowing rhinoplasty procedures to only get the nose straight.

The second reason has to do with the cartilage which has memory. During nose surgery, the nose can be perfectly straight (or as straight as the facial asymmetries allow), but the healing process can be affected by the cartilage’s memory. Even with placing sutures, grafts, fracturing the bones, and a cast, the cartilage may want to move back towards its original position and lose some correction. It’s important that patients understand this aspect when rhinoplasty is done specifically to correct a crooked nose to a straight nose.

Nose Straightening Surgery in Houston, TX

A crooked nose can be present for a few reasons like inherent facial asymmetries, nasal trauma, or a deviated septum. Straight nose surgery is a common procedure performed by Dr. Funk with rhinoplasty. Many patients come to Houston rhinoplasty surgeon, Dr. Funk for procedures to achieve a straight nose. Dr. Funk is Double Board Certified – both in facial plastic surgery and ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgery. Named as a Top Doctor in Houston, TX by Super Doctors and Houstonia Magazine, Dr. Funk understands the anatomy of the nose and how to correct it for both aesthetic and functional purposes.

Request a consultation with Dr. Funk today to learn which options will best fit your specific needs. 

Houston Crooked Nose Before & Afters View Crooked Nose Before & Afters

Broken Nose Surgery

A crooked nose may develop naturally during pubescent growth or it may become crooked due to previous trauma.  With broken noses, sufficient time needs to pass before performing rhinoplasty on a broken nose.  This allows the healing process to be complete and swelling to reach baseline.

Rhinoplasty for a broken nose is a standard procedure performed by Dr. Funk in Houston, TX. After the injury, there is a two-week window to perform a closed reduction of the nasal bones. That means, to manually push and fracture them back into place.

However, if cosmetic changes are proposed to the nose, then the patient should wait 3-6 months before proceeding with surgery in order for the swelling, inflammation, and scar tissue to settle down. This way the nose does not have two ongoing healing processes after rhinoplasty. The surgeon is also starting with a nose that is at baseline and not overcorrecting due to swelling from the trauma.

Common Questions on Crooked Nose Rhinoplasty

Is rhinoplasty for a broken nose different than rhinoplasty for a crooked nose?

A crooked nose may develop naturally during pubescent grwoth or it may become crooked due to previous trauma.  Sufficient time needs to pass to perform rhinoplasty on a broken nose.  This allows the healing process to be complete and swelling to reach baseline.  

Does a deviated septum cause a crooked nose?

A deviated septum may lead to a crooked nose or assymetric nostrils.  However, correcting a deviated septum with septoplasty does not necessarily straighten a crooked nose, and vica versa.  The external framework of the nose is composed of thin cartilage and bone.  These are intimately connected with septum down the middle.  These thin cartilages, in addition to the bone, may need to be shaped and shifted in order to straighten a crooked nose with rhinoplasty.  

How does Dr. Funk straighten a crooked nose?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients present with a crooked nose or may not even be aware that they have a crooked nose. Rhinoplasty for a crooked nose requires the surgeon to perform many maneuvers in order to straighten the nose. Using strong straight cartilage grafts from the septum (while fixing a deviated septum with septoplasty) to brace the external framework of the nose is one technique. Controlled fractures of the bones, suturing techniques, and cartilage repositioning are other types of maneuvers to straighten the nose. Because cartilage has memory, it can sometimes lose correction. However, by utilizing the proper techniques, a nose can be made significantly straighter.


Do you have to break the bones to correct a crooked nose with rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients question whether you have to break the bones with rhinoplasty. During rhinoplasty, taking down a nasal hump is common. Patients desire to narrow the nose is also common. When a dorsal hump is taken down, this may widen the nose and create what is called an open roof deformity. Once this occurs, the nasal bones will need to be fractured and brought in to close this open roof. This will also narrow the nose.

Can you correct a deviated septum during the rhinoplasty procedure as well?

A deviated septum can sometimes be present with a crooked nose and potentially be the cause of the nasal asymmetry. Dr. Funk is Double Board Certified as a Facial Plastic Surgeon and ENT surgeon with many rhinoplasty procedures involving cosmetic and functional corrections.

Can you operate on my nose that broke and healed crookedly?

Broken noses or nasal fractures are common reasons for a crooked nose. Dr. Etai Funk is an experienced facial plastic surgeon and can perform rhinoplasty procedures for patients who have recently broken their nose or broken their nose in the past.

Will my insurance cover this procedure?

Generally, insurance plans cover the rhinoplasty procedures if there is a functional issue with the nose like breathing issues such as a deviated septum. Sometimes a crooked nose can contribute to breathing issues because of the location of the deviation. Additionally, insurances generally cover nose procedures if the issue is due to nasal trauma such as a broken nose. However, for purely cosmetic purposes to improve appearance and confidence, the procedure may not be covered by your insurance.

What is recovery like?

Recovery varies with each patient but is usually about 8 days. Rhinoplasty is not a painful procedure but can be uncomfortable for a few days after the surgery. You may have a small amount of bruising or swelling around the eyes after surgery that typically resolves by day 8. Dr. Funk's regimen of herbal remedies and cold Swiss therapy gel masks helps decrease this after nose surgery.

On day 6 after surgery, Dr. Funk will remove your cast and some stitches, and retapes your nose. On day 8, he removes that tape and all the stitches. You are social at this point! Most if not all of your bruising is gone by then. The nose will be swollen at this point but not noticeable to others. You can return to full work out routine after rhinoplasty at 2 weeks.

As the months pass by, your swelling will decline. At 3 weeks, 20-30% of swelling is down. At 6 weeks 50-60% of swelling has abated. It will take a full year for all the swelling to subside. However, most of Dr. Funk's patients are thrilled with the appearance of their once the tape comes off and know it will only get smaller over time.