Will a mini facelift treat my neck?

The terminology regarding the types of facelifts is vast and can be confusing to the facelift patient.  A mini facelift usually refers to a type of facelift where the scars are shorter and the dissection more minimal.  Usually, the jowls and jawline are addressed with a mini facelift.  The SMAS in the face is contiguous with the platysma muscle in the neck.  When…

What is a repeat facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients have had previous facelifts, neck lifts, or facial rejuvenation surgery.  A repeat facelift is performed when a patient has aged and developed more skin laxity after a previous facelift.  These types of facelifts can be more difficult as there is scar tissue under the skin where dissection occurred from the previous surgery.  The muscle…

What is a mini facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will inquire about a mini facelift.  A mini facelift is a loosely used term by surgeons to usually describe a partial facelift.  Synonymous terms may be a short scar facelift, vertical facelift, lower facelift, or weekend facelift.  This type of facelift may choose to exclude the midface, neck, or both.  Usually, the jowls and…

Do I need my mid face addressed with my facelift?

When having a discussion with my Houston facelift patients, I like to break the anatomy into three locations.The midface is the area of temple down to the below the cheek or malar area.  The next area is the jawline and jowls and lower face.  Lastly is the neck with skin laxity and banding.  Not all patients require their midface addressed with a facelift as the fat pads…

How long does a facelift last?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will ask how long their facelift will last before they may need another one.  This depends on the type of facelift performed.  A deep plane facelift will last 10-15 years before you begin to notice more skin laxity,…

Is a deep plane facelift right for me?

Many of my Houston facelift patients come in for consultation unsure about what type of facelift is best for them.  Online information can be confusing with all the terminology surrounding facelifts.  The deep plane facelift describes the plane of dissection (deep to the platysma muscle and SMAS) which allows release of the retaining ligaments allowing for a more impressive…

Why Dr. Funk for a facelift in Houston?

There are many options in Houston when choosing a facelift surgeon.  As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Funk has intimate knowledge of the anatomy of the face.  He performs a deep plane facelift which allows for a more impressive and longer lasting facelift than a standard SMAS facelift or mini facelift.  Dr. Funk and his team will monitor your progress often during postop appointments and provide…

Will I need liposuction with my facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are concerned about their neck or double chin.  A facelift or neck lift may require liposuction of the neck or submental liposuction for a turkey neck or submental fullness.  Liposuction is usually performed first during surgery followed by a deep plane facelift with Dr. Funk.  Young patients with good neck skin laxity may only require liposuction of the neck…

Can a facelift change your earlobes?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will ask about the incision location and its effect on the earlobe after surgery.  The earlobe is detached from the facial skin during facelift surgery and then reattached after the SMAS is suspended and excess skin is removed.  The earlobe then needs to be reattached appropriately.  If the earlobe is not attached similary to its presurgical position, this…

Can a facelift improve my smile lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients ask about their deep smile lines or melolabial folds and inquire if a facelift will improve this area.  A facelift will typically improve the jowls, neck and marionette lines or melomental folds.  A deep plane facelift will improve the smile lines or melolabial folds by about 20-50%.  Usually, these deep folds are most improved with filler injection which…