What is a deep plane facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients inquire about the best facelift for them.  Dr. Funk performs deep plane facelifts where the SMAS or fascia is released from its deep ligamentous attachments to create a more impressive and longer lasting lift.  This allows the midface, jowls, and neck to be tightened and lifted providing a more youthful yet natural result.



Scarring after a Facelift

Many of my Houston facelift patients inquire about where the scars will be after a facelift.  This truly depends on the extent of the facelift or neck lift and on the closure by the facelift surgeon.  A neck lift requires about a 1-1.5 inch incision in the crease under the chin.  This scar heals relatively well in a hidden location.  Incisions will need to be made in…

Will a facelift lift my eyebrows?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are concerned about low or droopy eyebrows and ask if a facelift will lift their eyebrows.  A facelift with or without a neck lift will address the midface, lower face, jowls, and neck.  If a patient wants their brows lifted, a brow lift or endoscopic browlift is the procedure to position the brows in a more lifted position.



Mini facelift or full facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are confused by the extensive terminology when it comes to facelift techniques.  Many of the terms describe the type of facelift or neck lift while others describe the extent of dissection.  When it comes to facelifts, Dr. Funk likes to break it down to three areas.  The midface, which encompasses the upper cheek and temple area, the jawline and jowl area,…

Facelift before and after photos

Many of my Houston facelift patients are curious to see before and after photos of other patients who have had a deep plane facelift.  When viewing before and after facelift photos it is important to note that they have the same amount of makeup on, their hair is pulled back to reveal any scarring, and the that the positions of their head and neck are identical.  Lifting…

Will a facelift improve smile lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will come in explaining their concerns when deciding upon a facelift.  Some of these concerns may be jowling, neck skin laxity, Marionette lines, and fallen cheeks.  Deep smile lines is also a common complaint that occurs with facelift Houston patients.  While a deep plane facelift will signficantly improve jowling, cheeks, and marionette lines, the improvement…

Will resurfacing give same result as a facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are concerned about fine wrinkles, dyspigmentation and sun spots in addition to sagging skin, jowling, and neck skin laxity.  While laser resurfacing will improve the former, a facelift is the better treatment for the latter issues.  Laser resurfacing will provide a more uniform and smoother appearance to the skin.  A facelift will…

What is a deep plane facelift?

Many of my Houston deep plane facelift patients are not aware of the different styles and types of facelifts that many surgeons employ.  Dr. Funk specializes in the deep plane facelift where the SMAS and platysma are elevated and the cutaneous ligaments are released allowing for a more impressive and longer lasting facelift.  This also allows for better volume for the…

Does a facelift help crow's feet?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will ask what can be done for their crow's feet and whether a facelift will help with crow's feet.  Facelift with or without a neck lift will help with raising the cheeks, jowling, tightening the jawline, and improving the neck.  However, the crow's feet will likely not improve much with a facelift.  Currently, the best treatment…

Should I have my neck done with a facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients who are mainly concerned about their jowling, marionette lines, and sagging midface will also admit they are unhappy with their neck when asked.  Mild neck laxity and platysmal banding can be addressed with a lower facelift.  Moderate to severe neck laxity with significant platysmal banding or a heavy neck will require a neck lift…