Thread lift vs facelift

Many of my Houston facelift patients have asked about the possibility of thread lifts instead of a facelift.

 Thread lifts began to gain popularity in the mid 2000's and at first were performed with permanent barbed suture…

Why is the Deep Plane Facelift better?

The Deep Plane Facelift is becoming more popularized amongst my Houston patients who come in asking about it during their facelift consultation.  To understand it, you must have at least a rudimentary understanding of the anatomy.  The platysma (forms the bands in your neck when you show your teeth) is a muscle that extends from the collar bone to the jawline and then…

Facelift for men

Some of my Houston facelift patients are men mainly seeking to tighten their neck and jowls.  Male facelift surgery can help a turkey neck or tighten the jawline in male patients seeking a more youthful appearance. Male facelift surgery does have some nuances that differentiate it from a female facelift.  The incisions should be placed in a manner where the beard bearing…

Will a facelift tighten my neck?

Many of my Houston facelift patients who are most concerned about their jowls, deep smile line, and flat, low cheeks may also be concerned slightly about their neck.  They may not have the classic turkey gobbler neck or significant amounts of loose skin but just a small amount of loose skin under the chin and lower neck.  With these patients, a deep plane facelift where…

Will a facelift give me fuller cheeks?

Many of my Houston facelift patients who are desiring improvment in their smile lines and flat cheeks are asking if a facelift will help these areas.  This depends on the type of facelift.  A deep plane facelift where the SMAS is elevated and the zygomatic ligament in the cheek is released, allows the SMAS to be lifted high suspending the cheek to its more youthful position.…

How long will a facelift last?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will want to know how long their facelift will last and when they may need another facelift.  Although a facelift will not stop the aging process, it will offer a rejuvenated, refreshed, and more youthful appearance.  

When performed properly, a deep plane facelift (where the ligamentous attachments are released and the muscle…

Will a facelift raise my cheeks or help my smile lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients have an aging midface and deep smile lines with droopy cheeks.  A frequent question is whether their smile lines will improve with a facelift and what will happen to their midface.  

Each type of facelift accomplishes different things.  A deep plane facelift will release the zygomaticofacial ligament in addition to the lower…

Am I too young for a facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients ask whether they are too young to have a facelift when they start noticing jowling.  Everyone ages differently depending on ethnicity, skin thickness, facial contour, and environmental exposure.  Jowls are one of the first signs patients may start to see in their late 30's.  There are many non-surgical options to address jowls such…

Do I need my neck done with a facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are not as concerned about their neck or do not have a neck that requires a necklift or liposuction of the neck.  Those facelift patients' main concerns may be jowling, downturned corners of the mouth, or marionette lines.  The ncek may not have significant fat, laxity, or banding of the platysma on exam.…

How much does a facelift cost?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are interested to know the cost of a facelift in Houston.  Facelift cost is truly dependent on the surgeon and the amount of work necessary for the facelift.  Some patients require liposuction of the neck and tightening of the platysma or neck muscle.  Others may simply require just a mini facelift where the neck is not dissected.…