Rhinoplasty for a wide nose

Many of our Houston rhinoplasty patients main concern with their nose will be the width.  This could be a wide bridge due to wide nasal bones.  Other patients may be concerned about a bulbous broad tip due to wide or redundant nasal tip cartilge.  Lastly, other patients may be concerned about wide or flared nostrils.

Treating wide nasal bones requires osteotomies…

Will rhinoplasty require breaking my nose?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask if their nose will need to be broken during surgery.  This depends, but in the majority of rhinoplasty procedures, osteotomies or controlled fractures of the bone are performed.  Patients who have a nasal hump that is taken down will have a wider nose with what is termed an open roof.  This is similar to taking down the…

Rhinoplasty after a previous septoplasty

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients may have had a previous septoplasty for a deviated septum in the past.  This is important to note and an assessment of the septum needs to be made during consultation for remaining cartilage.  Rhinoplasty requires cartilage for grafting purposes.  If there is minimal remaining septal cartilage, ear cartilage or rib cartilage may…

Revision rhinoplasty for crooked nose

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients may come in with a crooked nose from a previous rhinoplasty.  Crooked noses are difficult to get perfect, especially with a revision.  With revision rhinoplasty, there is significantly more scar tissue surrounding the cartilage with less malleability to this cartilage.  This makes straightening the nose more…

How is wide nose rhinoplasty performed?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are interested in narrowing a wide nose.  Whether this is due to a bulbous tip, wide nasal bones, or broad nostrils, rhinoplasty can correct all these features to create a more elegant and delicate nose.  Narrowing a wide nose with rhinoplasty may require controlled fractures of the nasal bones, refining the tip, and narrowing the nostrils with alar base…

What causes uneven nostrils?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will have concerns regarding their uneven nostrils and seek correction for this.  Uneven nostrils may be due to a deviated septum close to the nostrils, assymetric tip cartilages, or soft tissue issues.  Correction of uneven nostrils may require a septoplasty, repositioning of the tip cartilages, or grafting.  Every case is different…

Nose straightening with rhinoplasty

Nose straightening surgery with rhinoplasty is a common procedure performed in Houston by Dr. Funk.  A crooked nose can be caused from trauma, a congenital anomaly, or just nasal pubescent growth.  Surgery for a broken nose may require re-fracturing the nasal bones and cartilaginous work to straighten the nose. This can be done with septal cartilage grafts,…

Surgery for a broken nose

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will admit they had previous trauma to their nose.  A broken nose due to trauma can be addressed in multiple ways.  If they injury was recent and the nose is crooked, a minor procedure called a closed reduction of nasal fracture can be performed where the bones are reset to midline.  This can usually only be done within the first 2-3 weeks of the fracture.…

Nose straightening for a crooked nose

Many of my crooked nose Houston rhinoplasty patients inquire about nose straightening during their consultation.  A crooked nose can be straightened using multiple techniques depending on the nature of the deformity.  Surgery for a broken nose that was injured in the past may require controlled fractures of the nasal…

Asian rhinoplasty for a bulbous tip

Many of my Houston Asian rhinoplasty patients are concerned about a bulbous tip.  This could be due to wide or ill defined tip cartilage, thick nasal tip skin, or poor support to the tip.  Refining a nasal tip with Asian rhinoplasty usually requires reshaping the tip cartilages, suture techniques to refine them, cartilage tip grafts, and thinning of the…