Cheek and Chin Augmentation

Dr. Etai Funk is dedicated to the aesthetics and contours of the face and neck exclusively. He understands how to augment the bony aspect of the face with certain implants to provide an aesthetically pleasing result. Facial implants such as a chin implant or cheek implants are ideal for augmenting the bony foundation of the face. This provides harmony, balance, and proportion between the cheeks, the chin, and the nose on profile. Chin augmentation (mentoplasty) and cheek augmentation are two procedures performed to enhance facial appearance and improve overall facial balance.

Cheek Implant

Prominent cheek bones or high cheek bones are a recognized as an attractive feature. Cheek implants can improve facial balance and enhance your appearance.

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Chin Implants

A chin implant is one option that can enhance the chin providing balance and harmony to the face. During your consultation, Dr. Funk will carefully evaluate your facial bone structure to determine if chin augmentation is right for you.

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